Dental implants are a great alternative to keep a good dental health in patients. Even if this surgical procedure can be somewhat annoying for some people, most of them find it as a solution that gives them hope. Thus, it has become the best option for many patients when it comes to dentures.
Dental implants represent the best choice since the procedures replaces broken or missing teeth from the rootusing titanium pieces that are adapted through Osseo integration.
Why are dental implants important
When you lose teeth, whether they are front or back, there is the possibility that your alveolar bone, which is in charge of holding your teeth, starts to disintegrate. This can extend to neighbor teeth and cause them tofall too.
Pros of dental implants
- Unlike dentures and bridges, dental implants are permanent so they won’t move or get loose.
- Implants don’t need to be held by other teeth.
- The procedure replaces missing or damaged tooth completely, avoiding the loss of other teeth or jaw bone in the affected area.
- They work just like a real tooth, dental implants don’t make sounds and don’t affect the mobility in your mouth.
- Dentalimplants don’t break or decompose after some time.
- They allowyou to eat freely, without being afraid of losing them.
- They have thesame appearance of a natural tooth.
Cons of dental implants
- It is not a cheap procedure; you will need the presence of a surgeon. Besides, due to the quality required, the base for your implant is made of gold, which increases its price.
- There are some conditions that might make you not eligible for dental implants, for example having osteoporosis.
- Most dental insurances don’t cover this procedure, so it is most likely that you need to cover all the expenses.
Even though there’s still a long path to master techniques for this alternative, it is possible to find affordable dental implants that can definitely change the aesthetics of your smile. Many dentists prefer to recommend implants as a last resource, only when there are no other options for patients.
The biggest advantage can definitely implants over bridges or dentures is that, with the right care, this alternative solution can last for a lifetime. In any case, it is essential that you keep a good dental hygiene and care, with regular visits to the dentist. This will help you prevent mouth diseases and problems that might lead to teeth loss.
If you have are already made your mind, the good news is that there are some excellent options for you. It has become a trending to travel to countries, like CostaRica, where you can find affordable dental implants, with the best doctors and equipment. The Island has become one of the top ten favorite destinations for dental tourist, due to its excellent health system. So, if you are looking for the right place to get this procedure, you can find highquality Affordable Dental Implants at Dr. Anglada Dental Care Clinics in Costa Rica. Contact us for more information.